Safety Syringes

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Safety syringes are syringes additionally consisting with a safety mechanism. The needle on a safety syringe can be detachable or permanently attached. The safety syringes have the Luer lock system build in. With the leak-free feature the needle is able to be attached to the syringe in a secure manner while being able to be disposed without requiring to rid of the needle.


The safety syringes should only be used once and be disposed afterwards. Re-use can lead to transmission of viruses such as HIV, HBV and HCV as well as bacterial infections and abscesses at the injection site. In 2000, at the start of the WHO Injection Safety program and of the Safe Injection Global Network (SIGN), WHO estimated that 40% of the 16 billion injections, which were given with used injection equipment lead to 21 million new HBV cases (32% of all new cases), 2 million of new HCV cases (40% of all new cases) and around 260 000 HIV cases (5% of all new HIV cases). Other diseases can also be transmitted by using used injection equipment e.g. viral hemorrhagic fevers such as Ebola and Marburg.

Types of Syringes


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